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Movie The Runaway Rainbow (Part 1) Released:
September 12, 2006
Inside Ponyville, Pinkie Pie is skating with Minty and the two of them add a ribbon to one of the light posts. Pinkie Pie remarks about how pretty the decorations are to Rainbow Dash but despite that it's not enough pink for herself, she figures that because it's for a celebration, it's good enough for her. Rainbow Dash just loves this time  of year because it's all about rainbows. One of the ribbons on the lamppost pulls free in the wind and drifts away to another area of Ponyville where a light blue unicorn pony catches it, only to let go and continue chasing after it. She too, along with her friend, a yellow unicorn, are exited for the event. The blue unicorn thinks she hears the crystal carriage and sure enough it whizzes by them and they follow it.
When the carriage stops, there are two other unicorns (a more golden yellow one and a brownish orange one) and they hear a squeak, or what they think is a squeak and replace one of the carriage's wheels with another one but there's a bit of dirt on it so they decide to have a bubble fight that ends with the light blue pony blasting everyone with an impressively large bubble. Another pony calls for them in the castle and introduces us to Whistle Wishes (the light blue unicorn) and Brights Brightly (the yellow unicorn). The other unicorns say they'll take the washing from there. Inside the castle, The purple unicorn asks where princess Rarity is and they find her under a mass of bubbles. Rarity explains that if she was late, it isn't her fault because she had to make sure there was enough ribbons and decides to share the fact that there are 63 ribbons but there needs to be 65 so Whistle Wishes and Brights Brightly race off and before Rarity can join them, the purple unicorn tells her to stay and learn how to become a rainbow princess.
As she begins her lesson with Rarity, we learn that they're in Unicornia and that Rarity will join them to make their rainbow but Rarity is deciding to follow a rainbow colored worm instead but she insists that she's paying attention. The rainbow's summoning, must happen right where they are now. Rarity agrees but she's hungry yet is told they'll eat later. Plus, as Cheerilee (the purple unicorn giving Rarity her lesson) shows that different stars will appear according to the unicorn with Rarity being last and by that time, the first rainbow of the season needs to be in the sky. She asks Rarity to repeat it back but Rarity is nowhere to be seen and she ponders if Rarity heard anything she said. We find Rarity still with the worm but she also finds the magic wand and is amazed. Inside a flower, 2 smaller ponies with wings are getting ready for the celebration when a sneeze breaks their concentration and it's Zipzee, whom is apparently allergic to flowers because she sniffs another one and the sneeze that follows sends all of them out of their flower house and into the field of flowers.
Zipzee explains that she has fall allergies and after a brief quarrel about who leads they way, they decide to go together and we learn that the purple one is Tidily Winks and the light pink one is Tra-La-La. However, they decide to wait for the (many) others, whom shout that they're coming. Back in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash marvels the decorations. While they wait for the Breezies, Rainbow Dash agrees to tell another rainbow story. After a song about supposedly where and how rainbows are made, Minty comments on how much Rainbow Dash knows about rainbows. If she didn't know all about them, who would? Pinkie Pie asks if RD knows how they're made and, (probably to cover up the fact that she doesn't know), she says there are some things they aren't supposed to know. What Minty knows is that Sweetberry has a bunch of fresh Rainbow Berries after the first rainbow's arrival and ponders all the stuff that can be made with Rainbow Berries before becoming overwhelmed to the point of sitting down from her tummy thinking too much. The others giggle and their rainbow song resumes. When it ends, we return to Unicornia where the Crystal Carriage is spotless but no one there has seen Rarity so Cheerilee and her "accomplices" go to check inside the castle where they catch Rarity before she literally disappears after using the magic wand.
Back with the Breezies, Tra-La-La requests to go to the bathroom as Zipzee asks why she didn't do so before they left. Rarity reappears and falls into the flower field and is bombarded with questions from the Breezies, whom decide to help her out. They catch the yellow shooting star and figure Rainbow Dash will know what to do. Back in Unicornia, the yellow star passes by and the rainbow worm loses its yellowish color while the unicorn group discuss their situation. In Ponyville, Minty has a slice of cake, then Rarity enters as Pinkie Pie greets the Breezies in a voice not her own. Zipzee (with a voice not her own) asks if they're ready for the rainbow celebration. Rainbow Dash welcomes them and is introduced by Rarity herself, whom is also hungry so she is given a slice of cake. As Rarity continues eating the cake, Sweetberry, along with the rest of the crowd, remains baffled at what she's seeing.  Rarity polishes off the rest of the cake and requests more but Sweetberry had used up the last of the rainbow berries. Minty asks if that's the end of the cookies pie or juice but Sweetberry assures her that there will be more after the first rainbow but Rarity hasn't made the rainbow yet.
 Rarity sees the roller skates and is asked if she wants to try them on but Pinkie Pie doesn't like the idea (either she's seen Rarity's mischievous past or it's just a hunch) and the others quickly find out why as Rarity skids uncontrollably around the room and out of the cafe, losing skates in the process and sings about her goal to be perfect. Her detour lands her in a wheel barrel, which rolls down the hills as the rest of the ponies chase after her, then to a group of balloons that she grabs onto when the wheel barrel stops and finally is brought back down to the ground with the help of the Breezies but that does not stop her out-of-control movements. At last, Rarity lands in a mud pile and splashes mud all over, especially on a now annoyed Rainbow Dash, whom faints after hearing that Rarity wants to do it again and insists that the whole journey isn't her fault.
Though that's quickly short-lived as Rarity decides she wants to go home but none of the others know how to get to Unicornia so they visit a friend of there's named Spike but Rarity is gone until she hears that Spike can help.