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Episode 23 Bon Bon's Diary Aired:
December 4, 1992
At Bon Bon's house, she and Clover are baking a cake but want to clean up before Bon Bon's mother gets back and she does. Her mother asks about Bon Bon studying for the math test and threatens to take away Bon Bon's privilege to cook if Bon Bon doesn't do well on the test. The next day, everyone takes the test and Bon Bon sneakily uses the sheet of paper she taped to her hoof to get the answers from as time expires for the test's completion.
Regular class time also expires as Patch decides to take out the cuckoo bird as it chimes 3PM with a spit ball, giving everyone but Ms Hackney a good laugh. Later, while walking home Bon Bon encounters Teddy, who asks how Bon Bon did on the test as he himself bets he got an A but Bon Bon protests that Teddy never got an A in his life. Bon Bon then sits down to write her thoughts, including the fact that she had cheated on the math test to not disappoint her parents but in turn disappointed herself. She leaves but her diary slips out and Teddy ends up taking it.

At the ICS, Starlight kids around asking Bon Bon for 2 jangles to pay for her sundae as a way to cheer up Bon Bon but it's no use and Bon Bon now discovers her diary is missing. The group organize a search party, fully understanding not to look inside Bon Bon's diary as they all sing a song about the discovery of their personal secrets. When finished, the gang tell Bon Bon they had no luck finding her diary but on the way to school, Bon Bon finds a place she hadn't looked before and finds Teddy (and her diary) but Teddy has a price, wanting Bon Bon to carry his books or have Ms Hackney read her diary (though I'm sure she wouldn't since she's been honest before). He has Bon Bon make several more deals before she drops his books and runs inside. When school starts, Ms Hackney announces that Bon Bon got the highest mark in class and Bon Bon blushes while Teddy says he found Ms Hackney's eraser.
Back at home, Bon Bon tells the results of her test and runs up to her room in tears. She tells her mother that she's in tears because she's so happy and her mother tells her not to be too happy. Bon Bon calls Sweetheart and ends up slightly confusing her, then apologizes for calling Sweetheart as it's her own problem. Sweetheart tells her it's no problem as she's her friend. Sweetheart then calls Teddy, asking about Bon Bon's diary, which Teddy of course says he doesn't have but Sweetheart reminds Teddy of his own secret about a teddy bear.
The next day, Bon Bon again encounters Teddy but isn't interested in talking to him as she wants to tell Ms Hackney what she did. Inside the classroom, Bon Bon finds out that Teddy dropped off her diary before Bon Bon had even got there and that (like I had thought before) she would never read anything so personal. Ms Hackney tells her that instead of giving her an F, she has Bon Bon retake the test, which she got a C+ on. Back outside, she and Teddy meet once more as Teddy apologizes about what he did and says he's grounded for failing the test. She offers Teddy cookies as she will bake some and the two of them walk home.