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Episode 22 Gribet Aired:
November 27, 1992
Outside, the ponies prepare their picnic but can't find Clover until they see she's under their sheet. A sudden thunderstorm disrupts their picnic and the group head off, leaving Sweetheart behind so she picks up the basket and runs until she hears a strange sound. It turns out to be a frog with a leg injury. She brings him to the  picnic at their clubhouse and explains what happened to the frog. The group brings the frog to a doctor (should really be a vet but perhaps this is where they brought the frog to yet it isn't mentioned). 
 The group decide to name the frog Spot. The doctor mentions the frog will be fine and has suffered a stress fracture of his Tibia Fibula but should be hopping around in a few days. Bright Eyes asks if there was damage to a couple of the other frog parts and the doctor is puzzled that she'd ask this but is told by Bright Eyes herself that she wants to be a doctor. The group fully understands the responsibility of caring for a patient. A few days later, the group is disappointed that the frog can't jump but they forgot to take off the splint.

Even after doing so, the frog still isn't jumping. They decide to show him how, each correcting the others' jumping skills and finally the frog jumps around and lands on Bon Bon. Sweetheart realizes that now that the frog can jump, they can't leave him alone anymore and go around giving their reasons to NOT take the frog home except for Bon Bon, who takes the frog with her. At home Bon Bon is making sugar sprinkle cookies and asks Amber, one of her siblings, to get the sprinkles. Amber finds the sprinkles and the frog Bon Bon brought home.
Her mother doesn't appear to like frogs either as she runs away as it hops after her and all over the house as Bon Bon tries to tell her mother Spot won't hurt her (though he is endangering himself). Her mother orders Bon Bon to get Spot out of the house. At the ICS, Bon Bon tells her situation with Spot, leaves Spot with Starlight, who ponders what to do with him, and leaves. Spot leaps out of the basket and causes trouble all over the shop. Starlight's customers leave in fight as Spot enjoys an ice cream sundae. Sweetheart enters the ICS as Starlight tells her she'll have to take it or the ICS will be out of business.

 Thankfully, Sweetheart's babysitting job was cancelled for the night so she can take care of Spot herself.  The two of them sleep. The next morning at school. Ms Hackney says she's just getting over a small cold (well you aren't getting over it, you're more at the cold's l last stand if you will) and takes a drink of what looks to be milk. She mentions that the topic was punctuation. Spot sneaks up to the front of the class and jumps into the glass of (milk?), causing the class to giggle. Ms Hackney isn't seeing why they're giggling until she looks into the glass as she picks it up to take another sip but ends up dropping the glass in fright.
Spot jumps all around the classroom as several classmates try to catch it. At last, Spot jumps into Sweetheart's backpack and Ms Hackney demands to know why Sweetheart caused all of this. She explains her story but Ms Hackney suggests that the frog be returned to its natural habitat. As the group sets Spot free, Sweetheart sings of Spot's leaving. Midway through the song, the group waves goodbye to Spot. As the song ends, the group walks away and Sweetheart will truly miss Spot but Bright Eyes says they'll come back and see him again.