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Episode 20 Send in the Clown Aired:
November 13, 1992
At the train station, a crowd ,including Clover's family, gathers as a train arrives. Meadowlark exits the train and gets briefly stopped by the press and anxious crowd before she asks to be excused to say hello to her family. Once again the press comes in and takes her to snap photos as Clover sings as song about how Meadowlark is so much better. When she finishes, we are arriving at the ballet school (or something like it) and Meadowlark encourages the group to keep practicing.
Madame Persheron, their ballet teacher, decides to show Meadowlark what they've learned and as usual, Clover falls and insists that she won't do it again but seems to regret saying it At the ICS, the gang wants to know what part Clover is playing and she tells them the understudy, meaning she won't perform unless something happens to the harlequin. Later during practice, Cheval and his partner are told to put more expression into their dancing and Clover arrives, tripping once again and is scolded for being late by Madame Persheron.

The teacher orders the harlequins to come on stage and practice but one of the harlequins falls and twists his leg. The teacher tells Clover that she is now the harlequin. Back at home, everyone tells Clover how proud they are but Clover says they'll all laugh at her for dancing like a clown and she slams the door to her room. Her mother tries to go and see but Meadowlark insists that it's just stage fright.  In bed, Clover dreads about being the harlequin. Back in school, Clover is called on for a math problem but she's having trouble remembering who she is. The rest of the gang congratulate Clover on her "act" but Clover tells them her mind is a blank.
Clover fails to recognize her own house or her family member and the gang tell Clover's mother that Clover has amnesia, in which you cannot remember who you are but Meadowlark figures she knows what's wrong and later that night, she tells Clover the story of her own first day at a performance. They just want Clover to do her best (although Madame Persheron isn't making it sound like that's what she wants. She really sounds like she wants Clover to be perfect.) A teary-eyed Clover sleeps. At the performance, Clover doesn't think she can perform but Madame Persheron understands and tells her to do the best she can (NOW you act all sweet to Clover?).
Clover's parents are sorry they won't be seeing Clover (they must've gotten word from Madame Persheron off-camera because we've heard nothing in between). The performance begins and Clover arrives, begging to play the part of the harlequin but another pony is already subbing instead. The replacement doesn't mind at all so Clover is ready for her part and Clover's parents along with some of the performers are shocked to see Clover, who nearly loses her balance for part of her act, able to complete her act successfully. Meadowlark knew Clover could do it.