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Episode 3 Battle of the Bnads Aired:
July 17, 1992
At her house, Melody's mother asks how her song is coming. Melody responds that she can't find a word that rhymes with orange. Her mother says there isn't one (although the words door hinge work here). Melody's siblings call her over to the TV which is showing PTV and what sounds like someone named Dazzle is on the air.  Dazzle advertizes the first ever Battle of the Bands to find the best band in Ponyland. Melody is ecstatic and asks if she can go, insisting her band can win. 
Her mother agrees as long as Melody can get a babysitter for the twins. Melody sees no problem with this and mentions that she must now practice. At the garage, the band is playing when Melody stops them, saying it's too slow. (I have to agree with you, Melody.) HalfNote the green pony says it sounded good and Melody agrees but adds they need to be great to win the Battle of the Bands. A red pony agrees and the band plays a much faster(and much better) version of their song.
 Afterwards, Melody asks her mom if the fringe scarf would look good. Her mother says she looks wonderful and asks who she got to babysit. Melody was so busy practicing that she totally forgot and begins thinking about the possibilities of it being too late. Maybe her mom could call in sick? Her mother says she can't as everyone relies on her to be there and unless Melody gets a babysitter she'll have to stay home. Melody calls her friends but to no avail.  What will she tell The Rockin' Beats? Her thought is interrupted by flying food. 

She angrily tells her siblings they're going to get it but the doorbell rings before she can start. It's her band members but she tells them she must babysit. HalfNote reminds Melody that she should've gotten a babysitter. Another pony tells her to forget that and they leave, thinking that perhaps they'll be as good or better. A teary-eyed Melody wishes them luck as her siblings comfort her. At the show, Dazzle explains the rules. Melody's band now wishes Melody was here.
Back at home, Melody watches from the TV as her siblings fight over puzzle pieces. Melody shuts off the TV after seeing the meter and the crowd go nuts. Her mom didn't say where she had to babysit them(actually, she did, although it wasn't stated word for word that way.) Confident that her mom won't find out, they leave the house. Back at the contest, Melody's band realizes how good the bands are and despite the  uplifting words from the rest of their band that their band is good, HalfNote insists that they'd be better if Melody was here and she is. She's just in time as they're up next.

Melody's siblings sneak off to do mischief of their own, releasing the sand from the bags that hold up the scenery and it crashes on the band that was just playing. The crowd, despite the falling scenery, still claps and cheers. Dazzle is impressed that the performance was as well done and the band pushes the scenery away and walks off. Melody realizes that her siblings are missing. Her siblings realize this too and go off to hide. HalfNote isn't happy that they're now again short 1 member. The siblings stumble upon a room and flip on several switches, lighting up a guitar hanging from the ceiling. Melody's band begins playing. No one in the audience is impressed and as the rest of the tales gang watch from inside the ice cream shop, Starlight says the band doesn't stand a chance without Melody. 
Melody's search brings her with her siblings and ends up chasing them and luckily landing them right back with her band. Melody and her siblings help finish out the song and it's literally a smash hit as the meter's screen is destroyed. Everyone is impressed and The Rockin' Beats earn the trophy and a photo group shot. Back at home, Melody makes a deal with her siblings about not telling what either of the e of them did.
The siblings agree as Melody's mom arrives, reminding them it's late and congratulates Melody on winning the Battle of the Bands, which she was watching at the hospital. Melody can explain, really, but her mom insists that tonight won't be the night for that as it is late. Next time she promises to get a babysitter but her siblings both agree that the only babysitter they want is Melody.