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Episode 22 Pony Puppy Aired:
October 10, 1986
At Paradise Estate, fall has arrived and everyone is excited but Magic Star reminds them they have chores to do this time of year. Lickety Split, Baby Heart Throb and Baby Tiddly Wink decide to head off to play and end up at a river. However, Baby Tiddly Wink cannot make it and falls in. Luckily, a giant puppy gets her out of the water and dries her off. Baby Tiddly Wink decides to name her Dinah based on her dinosaur-like size and learns the puppy is lost. They take her back to Paradise Estate and are lectured on how big a responsibility it is to raise a puppy. Plus, they don't know where she'll be sleeping or what she'll eat.
Decisions are made and with winter coming, they agree to let the puppy stay. Chores must still be done and they try to clean up the leaves but Dinah proves to make their job much easier and cleans up more quickly before deciding to eat Lickety Split's ice cream. Lickety Split isn't happy and punishes the puppy while deciding to clean up the mess. Dinah walks away, unable to help and ends up causing more trouble by sitting on Heart Throb's Valentine's Day cards. Dinah feells just as upset and Lickety Split hopes tomorrow is better.
The next day, the doghouse is built but not everyone is managing to cope with Dinah being around and a song ensues. When it's over, the ponies agree that love is the best thing they can give Dinah and call her over to see her now doghouse. Winter moves in and Cupcake bakes a cart full of cupakes to feed Dinah but it proves not enough. In fact, it was 3 meals in one.
While Cupcake and Truly make more cupcakes, Lickety Split secrety gives Dina (what appear to be) ice cream cones. Spring arrives and Lickety Split finds that Dinah has really grown and has a family calling out to her and they eventually come to see her. Lickety Split realizes Dinah probably got separated last fall and the ponies hate to see her go but she's better off with her family. Lickety Split finds it harder to let go of Dinah and remains in tears even after Dinah leaves with her family so Truly notes that although friends leave, they'll always be in the hearts of those they'd been with.