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Episode 30 A Little Piece of Magic Aired:
October 24, 1986
At the nurserry, not all the ponies want to play as one of them shows off her ballet skills until she crashes and decides to play anyway. One pony suggests a game of checkers but it's on the highest possible point on the shelf. Baby Lofty tries but her aim is poor and she hits the wall instead. Not all of them wanted to play checkers anyway but Baby Ribbon and Baby Cuddles insist on playing it. Baby Ribbon agrees to get it but when she winks back in, she's not all there. Buttons and Ribbon appear to find out what the crash was.
Ribbon learns of Baby Ribbon's problem and uses her magic to fix it. The baby ponies want Buttons to play a game with them but Ribbon suggests the less-exciting game of make believe. They just need their imaginations so Buttons and Ribbon take them outside to show them how it's done. It's not clear yet but eventually the baby ponies get thinking what'll be coming over the nearby hill. Baby Tiddly Wink imagines a red ball that becomes her new playmate and shows her a special obstacle course that Baby Tiddly Wink conquers.
Baby Lofty gets her turn and imagines the red ball helping her fly better. However, the balls hows her that she's also not a bad flyer and shows them her friends, whom honor her with a ribbon and celebrate. Next up is Baby Half-Note, whom imagines herself as a great ballet dancer thanks to her ball friend. Baby Ribbon doesn't know what to imagine and ends up getting a good luck charm that allows her to wink in and out successfully. In fact, she's soo good, she gets her own school and opens it for the first time.
After allowing her friends to graduate, her story is over. They don't see the ball and realize that perhaps it was their imagination after all and sing about it. They had so much fun playing by themselves that now it's time for their nap so the baby ponies head in. Buttons and Ribbon wonder where their actual red ball went and when they find it, they have a good laugh.