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Episode 42 Baby, It's Cold Outside (Part 2) Aired:
November 11, 1986
The gorilla closes in on Megan and the ponies, noting that their entry is forbidden. However, Megan and the ponies bolt but the gorilla isn't far behind and throws an icicle missile, which just misses them. The group splits up but the gorilla has more ice missiles and only just misses the others, even as Megan finds Galaxy. They find another dead end so Galaxy teleports to the new ice boulder that the gorilla has found and makes it crumble to pieces, burying him.
They sneak past but the guards order them to see King Charleton the Great inside the room. While Edgar finds Sunny frozen with others and wonders where to take him to thaw him out, the ponies and Megan are trapped in an ice prison. Even though she can't wink out, Galaxy realizes her horn is warmer when it lights up and uses it to try and melt the bars. It works and they find Edgar and learn his situation. To help out, Megan and the ponies agree to follow Edgar's plan to avoid recapture as the guard appears.
The guard hadn't expected to see Edgar but believes every word Edgar tells him and walks out. The group sets off with Sunny still frozen solid and Edgar warns them of the traps and the only way to fix the abornormal winter. Surprise ends up activating more icicles from above but once they escape, they find themselves facing another giant ice boulder, this time rolling down their path. They reach a pit of dry ice and make it across but it's too large for Edgar to make it and he ends up in the pit with the boulder.
Luckily, Edgar climbs out and they continue. They still must get into Charleton's throne room, which is beyond the doors and it's not so easy getting in. Surprise uses brute force and gets the doors open. Charleton is waiting but not happy at Edgar's failure and attacks. Edgar intercepts and is turned to ice. The guards arrive but are unable to make a move when they see what Charleton did to his own son. Megan starts a song to Charleton, on letting his guard down and being kinder to everyone.

As a result, Charleton recalls the past with Edgar and how much nicer they were together. It works and Charleton goes to the statue of Edgar and sheds enough tears to rejuvenate him. Charleton cannot reverse the effects but it takes a bit for him to realize he's brought back his son. Galaxy gets an idea and uses her magic to try and affect the machine. Things are restored and Sunny is feeling better but with dusk approaching, it's time for Megan and crew to go. Charleton plans to live up to his new reputation and Megan and crew head out.