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Episode 125 A Hearth's Warming Tail Aired:
May 14 2016
With snow on the ground and decorations going up, the residents sing about their love of Hearth's Warming Eve. Not even Derpy's accidental breaking of an ornament is enough to break their spirit, though Rarity is upset enough to change her song's melody to reflect her feelings. Derpy makes herself the star on top of the tree but when the song is over, Starlight shows no passion for the holiday and lets Twilight know she'll probably be skipping it (and that should be perfectly acceptable given that in our world, not everyone celebrates the same holiday).

It's such a shock to Twilight and Spike that they try to bring up the story of Hearth's Warming but Starlight isn't interested (and that would be my indicator to accept Starlight's choice but allow her to join in if she changes her mind). Starlight already knows the story that practically everyone in Equestria knows about but not A Hearth's Warming Tail, Twilight and Spikes' favorite story so they sit down to listen as Twilight shares the story from the book. In the story Starlight Scrooge ( as I'll call her because she's clearly parodying Ebonizer Scrooge) is shown to be a stickler for perfection and not one to enjoy Hearth's Warming.

Rainbow Dash's story self tries to explain the story but Starlight Scrooge hears none of it, protesting that the holday's activities won't solve anything but ends up allowing Rainbow Dash to leave and she wastes not a second more to hurry out. Starlight Scrooge hates the holiday so much she sings about it and plans to make sure it never happens now or ever again. As the song progresses, she puts her plan into action, taking gifts and decorations from the town and placing them into her cauldron. By the time the song is over, Starlight finds her story self to be a bit extreme with her plan (though Spike brings up a good point and gets shadowed by Twilight).

 Spike allows Twilight to continue whereby Applejack, the first of three ghosts, appears before Starlight Scrooge to take her on a journy but not about the holiday, about who she is. As they arrive, Ghost Applejack sings about the past and they arrive to find a time when filly Starlight with a few friends are happy about the holiday. However, when filly Starlight goes to set the decorations up, her teacher intervenes to note that the decorations are useless for her studies and shatters one of them right in front of her. From then on, as Ghost Applejack sings about, filly Starlight decides to do away with the holiday and study magic.

Starlight Scrooge is seemingly in agreement and they're taken back to her place but the ghost is gone before Starlight Scrooge can get answers. However, the 2nd ghost appears with gifts but since none of this phases Starlight Scrooge, Pinkie Pie takes her outside and uses a song to show Starlight Scrooge the joy of the holiday. Even Twilight gets too into the song and sings the last line but remains in denial even though Spike and Starlight heard her do it. Starlight is eager to know what happens next but Spike needs a hot cocoa refill (and this is clearly for humor as this would be before the next commercial break).
Spike returns and the story resumes where Rainbow Dash reveals that she's upset that Starlight Scrooge would try to ruin the holiday for the rest of them. As Pinkie and Starlight Scrooge watch, Rainbow Dash shares what she'd learned from Starlight Scrooge and the crowd boos actions against them. The trio think Starlight Scrooge's vision of Equestria is pretty much Hearth's Warming Eve and Starlight Scrooge is nearly brought to tears until a snowball hits the window and keeps her anger in place. Pinkie agrees but it's too bad there won't be anymore and disappears in a cloud of smoke. The weather changes as a figure appears.
The figure is Luna, whom is the ghost of things yet to come and notes that Starlight Scrooge will succeed in ending Hearth's Warming Eve for good. Using a song, she shows Starlight Scrooge what the future holds and what it should be. Thanks to Starlight Scrooge, the place will be buried by snow and suffering the wrath of the Windegos. Starlight Scrooge never meant for this to happen and is hoping it's not too late.
Luckily, when she returns to her time, she finds things are still going smoothly so she decides to enter the party with gifts, taking everyone by surprise. Rainbow Dash opens her gift and is confused but ends up loving the gift as it's one she'd never gotten before. The duo go get eggnog and Twilight ends the story. With that, Twilight and Spike head downstairs for the party and invite Starlight to join them if she wants. Starlight decides to join in with a song that shows what she's learned. The lights are lit and Starlight initiates a reprise of the show's first song.