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Episode 116 The Cutie Re-Mark (Part 1) Aired:
November 28 2015
We find Twilight Sparkle giving a speech where she recalls a bit of her past using a hefty stack of notecards. However, we see it's just for practice as Spike is the only one in the "audience" and he has to fake his approval. Nevertheless, Twilight feels it has to be perfect so she decides to recite the speech once more. At the actual speech, some arrive late and are forced to quietly be seated but Twilight ends up on a snag as Spike has fallen asleep instead of showing the next slide.
Spike fumbles with the slides to find the right one and manages to get it in place without any reaction. Her speech continues as the audience is treated to more of the past involving how the Mane Six came to become friends thanks to Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom. Not long after, Twilight gets nervous, as though someone is there she doesn't want. Afterwards, she reveals she thought she saw Starlight Glimmer but was never able to prove it.
SG could be back for revenge after her defeat from last time, or was just really interested in Twilight's speech. With her friends by her side, Twilight knows everything will be alright. They head inside, figuring that perhaps it was just Twilight stressed out but SG is lounging with her back hooves on the map, leaving Spike to believe it's actually true. Worse still, SG uses her magic to activate the map, releasing additional magic that Twilight is unable to counteract.
Using a time machine of sorts, SG disappears and now Twilight and Spike have to figure out where she went. Spike finds the crumpled up scroll on the floor and unwittingly activates it, sending them into the time machine too. They find themselves to when Rainbow Dash was dealing with the bullies in Cloudsdale but have no idea why SG would be here until they find the scroll of Star Swirl the Bearded's spell and Twilight's fears amplify.
They arrive to see Rainbow Dash in the midst of the race and things seem to be going as they did back then but SG has arrived to sabotage her Sonic Rainboom, allowing the bully to win and leaving the rest of the Mane Six trapped in their original locations. Twilight wants to know what SG did so SG transports her into the first new future where there's no castle in sight and only a damaged map to help them. With nothing else to go on, Twilight decides to find her friends.

They venture into Ponyville to find the windows boarded up as if no one wants anyone else around. Spike desperately runs to Rarity's boutique but Rarity is nowhere to be found. Despite Twilight's hopes, their trip to Sweet Apple Acres isn't remotely like it once was. They peer into a dusty window to find a factory at work but when Applejack arrives to load up another barrel, she doesn't recognize Twilight or remember their friends except Rarity, whom left for Manehattan years ago.

Rarity had gone to support the cause in the war against King Sombra, which is more news to Twilight so she drags Applejack along to prove what's going on is as she claims. They arrive back at the map where Twilight tries to explain what's going on but needs more info so Applejack explains how King Sombra came to rule. We get a glimpse of the war as Celestia's army battles Sombra's and Maud and Pinkie Pie save Rainbow Dash from a rocky peril.
The story is hard for Twilight to take in but she's determined to set things right and Applejack hopes they do. However, Twilight has no idea how to do it until Spike brings up the map, which Twilight figures is still here because of its connection to the Tree of Harmony. They rewrite the spell and head back to Cloudsdale but SG finds them first and traps them in a crystal prison of sorts, explaining how she'd done so. She presses down on the prison as she rants about her loss, sending Twilight and Spike through the cloud.
SG helps the duo the rest of the way through the cloud, sending them plummeting before Twilight breaks the prison and saves each other. They head back in time once more to when SG would appear but with no sign of her, they camp out in a cloud, ready to counterattack. Spike interrupts Twilight's train of thought to report SG's whereabouts as SG plays good pony and shares good advice to the bully. Twilight tries to intervene but the ironic twist confuses her.
The trio of fillies are convinced equality would be great and walk off but Twilight is on to SG but SG wants equality, stopping the rainboom is just a bonus. With Rainbow Dash flying overhead, Twilight darts off. Try as she might, she cannot convince Rainbow Dash to perform what she's seen in the future. SG arrives with fake sympathy before tranpsorting Twilight to another new future where she's surrounded by servants of Queen Chrysalis that believe she and Spike must be destroyed!