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Episode 115 The Mane Attraction Aired:
October 21 2015
Outside, the group are getting set up for the Helping Hooves Music Festival and there's many participants on Twilight's list but Pinkie Pie interrupts to announce that she booked Countess Coloratoura, the most famous popstar in all of Equestria but Applejack has never heard of her (kind of like me if told about the King of Pop as I didn't always know that was Michael Jackson) and everyone is in total shock. However Applejack did know a Coloratura a long time ago and figures it has no relation to the one in question.
Pinkie Pie confirms Applejack's description of the cutie mark with a picture and contrary to how Applejack remembers her, Coloratura is difficult to get a hold of for events. Applejack remains confused and recalls how she remembers Rara (and that's a lot easier to write for me so that's how she's going to be written). They don't have to wait long to confirm how Rara is as she arrives via some goofy cocoon and no longer really resembles how Applejack saw her.
To confirm for sure, Applejack walks up to her and Rara is able to remember somewhat and show her approval with a hoofsies stamp before everyone else gets in line for the same treatment, leaving Applejack to feel less-than-special. Her manager appears, revealing his egotistical personality by nitpicking at Pinkie Pie's lack of straws in the rainbow falls drinks. With everything else seemingly in order, Rara and her manager move to rehersal, which Rarity assures will be unbelievable.

It proves to be just that as Rara performs an over-the-top Lady Gaga-style music video to the approval of her manager. Though she'd like to rest, Rara is also scheduled to meet with the school ponies and denies Svengallop's offer to cancel, leaving Svengallop a little annoyed. Regardless, while Rara brings up her contest and a bit of how Applejack knew her, Pinkie Pie gets herself new requests from Svengallop, one of which is impossible to do (though both are probably impossible to do effectively). Applejack heard everything and goes up to see Rara about it as Rara tells Apple Bloom all about the letter Applejack had sent.
Applejack brings up the situation and Rara is in shock that her manager would threaten to pull her out of the show if his requests aren't met. However, when Applejack notes that Svengallop is using her, Rara refuses to believe it and walks away. After peeling through some of the pile of apples, Applejack heads off, unable to stand to see her friend get used, leaving Pinkie Pie to handle the rest. Appljeack proposes her plan to Rara and though she's not entirely thrilled, she goes along with it and Svengallop doesn't suspect a thing.
Additionally, he reveals what Applejack had suspected all along as he'd wanted Rara to cancel for years. With Svengallop buying the whole idea, he summons Pinkie Pie to make adjustments to the schedule, giving Twilight her signal to record Svengallop's threat to Pinkie Pie and play it back once Svengallop returns. It's all the proof Rara needs that she was being used and convinces Svengallop to leave her, leaving her to regret not knowing sooner.
Applejack comforts her and learns that the show will go on. As the time for the concert draws neer, Rara panics as without Svengallop, she doesn't have anything, nor does she have the skills to reproduce the visual effects that were done. Applejack assures that with friendship, you get to see how a pony truely is. It's enough for Rara to gain confidence and she appears when Twilight announces her performance. Rara's words confuse the audience before her song begins.
When it's over, it's met with great approval and as a thanks, Rara calls up the CMCs to help her sing the song she sang to Applejack, bringing Applejack up to the stage as the song progresses. With that, they have a final hug before the show's credits roll.