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Episode 48 Hurricane Fluttershy Aired:
March 24 2012
In the skies, Rainbow Dash announces a meeting that night for Pegasai and hands out sheets of paper with the details. That night, all but Fluttershy has entered and she finds her well hidden as a tree and shoves her inside. Once inside, the group is shown an educational video about the water needs in Cloudsdale but partway though, the video cuts out due to something Spike had done (that we'll never know). Rainbow Dash gives a speech but Fluttershy goes missing again.
The next day, the ponies get training (with Blossomforth in her first appearance on the show going a bit too far).
RD heads to Fluttershy's house and out comes Fluttershy trying various antics to back out of the training before admitting that she cannot go out there to participate, recalling another day as a filly. RD gets a bit of confidence in Fluttershy and she agrees but still feeling uneasy. Back at the track, Twilight tries to explain the anemometer and it takes Spike to properly explain it in an easier-to-understand manner. A cough is heard, same as earlier and RD tries explaining to TS that it's Thunderlane but Thunderlane insists it's Blossomforth, whom does cough as Thunderlane heads off to demonstrate.

One by one, each pony's wing power is recorded and Fluttershy is next. She takes her turn, barely getting the anemometer to spin and her memories of the laughing fillies of the past push her to the breaking point and she darts off crying, having no courage at the moment. Underneath a tree, she talks with her animal friends, whom share the advice she gave them and it's enough for her to start training.
She gets off to a rocky start but eventually perfects her flying. She tries the track again but is disappointed when a wing power of 2.5 is recorded and heads off upset again. Spike tries to assure that there's enough to make the tornado but RD wants Fluttershy to join them too. RD learns that multiple ponies have the Feather Flu and may not have enough wing power to even generate the tornado. Nevertheless they try anyway and the tornado is generated.

(Hmm, at 16:16 into the episode, we see a pegasus version of Bon Bon, which makes no sense since she isn't a pegasus at all!)
The water begins pulling upward but one pegasus loses the energy to fly and causes the tornado to fizzle out.  RD is eager to give it a go and ignores Twilight's warning about ponies possibly getting hurt. They're so close but need Fluttershy's help. After a bit of a pep talk, Fluttershy joins in and they reach the 800 wing power limit before dispersing. However, Fluttershy is so focused she doesn't realize it's over so RD gets her safely to the ground. As the group congratulates her, Fluttershy recites her letter to Celestia.