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Episode 41 Dragon Quest Aired:
March 17 2012
At her house, Twilight and Rainbow Dash are trying to get Fluttershy to go to see the Great Dragon Migration but given her fears, Fluttershy refuses, even after Rainbow Dash protests that she owes her for seeing the butterfly event and bolts out, leaving Rainbow Dash on the floor. The remaining three go with Rarity following suit but more concerned with her outfit. They hide in the trench dug by Pinkie Pie and Applejack earlier and look up to see the dragons go by. Spike arrives with treats and RD can't help but ridicule him all over. Rarity doesn't make things any better with her cutesy talk, leaving Spike to walk off fuming. Later that night, Spike cannot get any sleep and awakens Twilight from hers.
She tells him the little bit she knows but is willing to do late-night research for him. To hers and Spike's dismay, none of her books have anything on dragons, leaving Spike to wonder if dragons cry as he begins shedding tears himself, then decides to search for answers himself but before he can start, Rarity and Rainbow Dash enter, asking about breakfast. Spike explains where he's going and is told he's crazy and that the dragons in the sky mean business. (Then perhaps you can tell the writers of books in Ponyville all  about them, huh, Rainbow Dash?) RD uses her might to stop Spike from going and Twilight breaks it up, allowing Spike to go since she couldn't provide answers. Spike goes on his quest, getting lifts from a few friends along the way. When he arrives,  he gets a barrage of insults while not far behind is a three-pony driven dragon suit (where I have to agree with RD as it doesn't look remotely convincing).
To prove he's a dragon, Spike partakes in several contests, bombing all but two (with his other victory being rigged by Twilight's trio, not to mention the dragons completely show no respect for Princess Celestia to Twilight's understandable grief). For Spike's stunning success in the last contest, they allow him into their group with a party. The way he feels right now, he could stay forever and that's not what Twilight's trio want to hear. The leader thinks Spike is ready for a dragon raid and this time, it'll be theft of phoenix eggs and they drag him along for the ride.
Twilight's trio can't fly and nearly run into the lava pit so they decide to follow on foot. Meanwhile, Spike gets the Phoenixes' attention  but when the dragons go to take the eggs, they've hatched and the babies give them all a hard time until the parents are diverted from Spike and take the babies away with them.
Surprisingly, one egg didn't break or hatch but Spike refuses to smash it, knowing he was in that exact state. The dragons show only laughter when Twilight's trio comes out from the costume but aren't confronted at all as the ponies and Spike run away (ya know that's only going to reinforce their claim that ponies are weak so maybe it'd be worthwhile to show defeating Discord or Nightmare Moon?) managing to escape their clutches with a little magic. Back home, Spike writes his letter to Celestia before the phoenix egg he brought with him hatches, and decides to teach the baby about being a pony.