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Episode 26 The Best Night Ever Aired:
May 6 2011
Outside, Pinkie Pie is so excited that the Grand Galloping Gala is tonight but both Twilight and Rarity are becoming annoyed by Pinkie Pie and get her to stop.  She hops off, asking Spike what Twilight is doing and is told that it's Twilight's trick for the GGG. The others arrive just in time to watch Twilight convert an apple into a carriage and several mice into horse-mice hybrids, which none of the others are really all that thrilled about. Rarity's cat Opal sees right through the trick and digs her claws deep into the back of the hybrid horses, sending the whole pack running.
Rarity herself seems to be the only one that knows the obvious way to pull the carriage is with horses so she convinces two male ponies to do the job. Back inside what looks to be Rarity's boutique, while some of them are getting their hair done, Spike wants in and after Rarity protests that they're getting dressed, she's reminded that they don't normally wear clothes and allows Spike inside. Not everyone is so thrilled about being at the GGG as Applejack says they'll be very busy but Twilight and Pinkie Pie say they'll be having fun and being with their friends.

That night, on board the carriage, Spike says all the things he has to show his friends but the others are to busy chatting to hear or notice him so he orders the male ponies to speed up and they only agree because Spike is friends with Rarity. They arrive at last and everyone is wearing their Suited for Success dresses and a few other things. The gang is so excited to finally be there that they break into song one by one joined by some of the others as they head inside the GGG. Once inside, they split off and find their dreams coming true, leaving Spike alone.
Rainbow Dash manages to help a Wonderbolts member named Soran (if I'm spelling that right)'s pie get back into his mouth. Meanwhile, PP is so excited that she breaks into a song in a similar style to "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" that leave the others unhappy with her. Rarity introduces herself to the pony of her dreams, Prince Blue Blood and his actions aren't what Rarity thought would happen. Fluttershy finds the whistler and it's just another pony loving to whistle while they work.

When she finds more animals, they scurry off, leaving her to call herself a loudmouth (Fluttershy, you're HARDLY a loudmouth, you're generally quiet). Back inside the GGG, RD is unable to talk to any of the Wonderbolts and Twilight cannot seem to get any sort of conversation with Celestia going as Celestia is too busy greeting all those who arrive. After her first successful sale, Applejack isn't getting anymore sales. Now none of them are getting what they had thought would occur but are determined to make it the best night ever. Fluttershy, still outside, sets a trap to catch one of the animals but only gets the whistling pony instead.  Inside, RD tries to fake saving one of the partiers but when that goes un-noticed, she angrily dumps him aside, passing by Rarity and Prince Blue Blood, whom warns of what looks to be water on the floor and uses part of Rarity's outfit as a means to step across, leaving Rarity to angrily pick up the now wet piece of clothing and put it back on top.
Pinkie Pie gets the musicians to get the music set up so she herself can sing a parody of Hokey Pokey (while the others take part incidentally on cue with the song and not having anything come out right, especially Fluttershy, whom is going berserk). Pinkie Pie finishes her song and is scolded that this isn't that type of party so Pinkie Pie tries to take it up a notch. Outside, Rarity and PBB (Prince Blue Blood for short) obtain free apple fritters but PBB is literally disgusted with having tasted carnival food and heads inside for orderves. 
AJ decides to take action and make her food better. Elsewhere, Fluttershy pulls off a parody of the wicked witch from Snow White only to fall into her own trap. Inside once more, Pinkie Pie has changed music but no one is in the dancing mood so she decides to stage dive and plows into the cart with AJ's new cake on it, sending the cake flying into the air and onto Rarity, leaving angrier than ever and takes advantage of PBB's detest for being dirty (how ironic considering Rarity too isn't known for wanting to be dirty either, at least up until now) by throwing chunks of cake all over and sending him into a horse statue. RD catches it, only to become off-balance and bump into several pillars, all of which crash to the floor around her.
 Twilight and Celestia enter, puzzled at the mess but when Fluttershy enters with tons of animals and a psychotic personality similar to Pinkie Pie in "Party of One", Celestia orders the gang to run and even Fluttershy snaps out of her psychotic behavior to run. In her rush to escape, Rarity leave behind her glass slipper but in her rush to put it back on, she smashes it to pieces and everyone runs over to the donut shop as Spike requests another donut with extra sprinkles. Twilight and the others tell about their worst night ever at the GGG. To their shock, Celestia arrives, saying the night was the best one after all and that she was glad her friends could be there. Twilight explains what she learned, then says Spike was right all along and the others add that coming to the donut shop made it the best night ever.