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Episode 23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles Aired:
April 15 2011
Outside, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are still searching for their cutie marks and end up covered in tree sap (and what looks to be pine needles). Sweetie Belle suggests a less dangerous approach but as they clean themselves up, Apple Bloom comes up with the best idea of all: to ask Ponyville'ers how they got their cutie marks. Scootaloo adds that they'll also go see the coolest pony of all and when neither of the other two know who that is, she explains that it's Rainbow Dash. They go to hi-five each other but are stuck to Scootaloo's hooves, which are once again covered in tree sap and pine needles and they fail to pull away from each other, at least not right away.
They hop onto their scooters and when bunnies cross the road, they narrowly avoid hitting them. Applejack yells at the bunnies to return the food they stole and tries to pounce on them but crashes into the CMCs instead. Apple Bloom asks AJ how she got her cutie mark and AJ questions not having told the story before but before she can answer that, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle question about wanting to hear Rainbow Dash's cutie mark story and AB tells them that they need all the help they can get.
She joins her friends and AJ begins her story. (I have to wonder why Aunt and Uncle Orange aren't orange ponies and from what I can tell, they do not make orange (as in the fruit)-related food.) When she finishes the story, she goes back to chasing the bunnies. AB and SB loved the story but Scootaloo hated it and suggests they go see Rainbow Dash for her story so they race off but Fluttershy blocks their path and the force of their stopped scooters sends them flying but they land short of ducks crossing and Fluttershy herself, who tells them to be more careful and asks why they were in such a hurry.

Their explanation causes Fluttershy to tell her story of how Rainbow Dash helped her get her cutie mark (including the fact that we see the same bullies from "Sonic Rainboom" targeting Fluttershy and a possible G3 movie reference when Fluttershy lands on a "bed" of butterflies, like how Skywishes was on a "bed" of butterflies herself in said G3 movie). The story ends abruptly as Scootaloo asks about the race between Rainbow Dash and the bullies but Fluttershy doesn't know who won as she wasn't there. She and the other CMCs head off as Scootaloo doesn't want to hear anymore singing and SB figures her sister Rarity might know where RD is. Instead, they take part in hearing Rarity's story and get put into outfits.
They head off to find Rainbow Dash but Twilight Sparkle instead shares her story. The story ends with Twilight repeating what she did as a baby pony in her story's ending so while the CMCs head off, she herself stops jumping in circles and tells the bewildered crowd that she's fine. Along the way, Pinkie Pie tells her story (and we not only see where her hairstyle came from but if you listen when she opens the door to her party, the music from the "Swarm of the Century" episode is playing). They arrive at Sugar Cube Corner as Pinkie Pie thinks about the possibility of telling the story again as she heads inside. Finally, they encounter Rainbow Dash, whom already knows they want to hear her story so she begins (and we see the not-so-surprising winner of the race Fluttershy told about). When she finishes, all 3 CMCs are impressed.
The others add that they all saw the sonic rainboom and their connection was there even though they hadn't met before. They all hug, leaving AB and SB "aww'ing" and Scootaloo disgusted so the three of them hug, still to Scootaloo's disgust, and Fluttershy suggests another thing Scootaloo doesn't want.........a song! Back at home, Twilight recites her day's lesson as Spike asks when Twilight got so cheesy but is ordered to keep writing so he does while Twilight herself gazes up into the sky.