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Episode 2 Mare in the Moon (Part 2) Aired:
October 22 2010
At the Galloping Gala, the mayor orders her "pony knights" to stop her but Nightmare Moon deflects their attack with a little magic from her eyes and disappears as ("blue plasma" I'll call it). Rainbow Dash breaks out of Applejack's teeth grip and darts after Nightmare Moon, ordering her to come back. (What looks to be) Twilight races out of the Gala entrance with Spike on her back and puts him to bed at her house as he realizes they have to stop Nightmare Moon. Twilight says that Spike needs his rest since he's a baby dragon and was up all night.  She goes back to the library to search for the Elements of Harmony but to no avail as RD asks what the elements are and how she knew about Nightmare Moon. Is Twilight a spy?
 Applejack gives RD's tail another pull and says that while she figures Twilight isn't a spy, she sure knows what's going on and that's when Twilight explains the legend. Pinkie Pie finds the book under "E" but is pushed aside by Twilight in the process. She opens the book magically and reads what it says with Nightmare Moon's blue plasma form secretly listening in and heads off after hearing the last known location of the EoH, the Everglade Forest (not sure on the first part but it's Ever something in any case). Pinkie Pie is ready to go but Twilight would rather go alone but Applejack says they're sticking together with Pinkie Pie announcing how good she thinks candy apples are.
 None of them seem to have been in this forest before but RD decides to spook three of them with a "Those who come in, never leave" story as Nightmare Moon's plasma form slithers into the rock and causes a large chunk of the land to break away, sending Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight sliding down the slope with RD catching Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy catching Rarity,  leaving Twilight to slide all the way to the cliff's edge with Applejack coming to her aid. Applejack orders Twilight to let go, which isn't what Twilight wanted to hear but Applejack says he's telling the truth so she obeys and is caught by RD and Fluttershy, whom are barely able to hold her as Fluttershy says she's not used to holding much more than a bunny or two. Nightmare Moon's blue plasma possesses a manticore and each of the ponies try their own method of helping with Fluttershy having her own idea that doesn't get heard until after the others try a group charge. Fluttershy talks sweetly to the manticore and discovers it has a thorn in its paw.
RD can't believe she called the manticore little (I wouldn't either). She pulls the thorn out and after a brief roar from the manticore, it licks her mane. Fluttershy had no idea there was a thorn (I would've, after all, it's a classic story) but she says that sometimes you have to show a little kindness. The thorn converts back into blue plasma and enters a tree as Applejack thinks she stepped in something. Fluttershy screams but it's not from the mud, it's the trees. The others scream but Pinkie Pie is busy making faces at the trees instead and explains why in song with the rest helping out in returning the trees to normal as the song progresses.
They leave and approach a river, where a dragon is sobbing over how half of his mustache is gone and only Rarity is willing to help by giving him part of her tail, insisting that it'll grow back. The dragon allows them to cross the river on his body like stepping stones. The group arrives at a bridge but as Twilight quickly discovers, it's out. RD agrees to fix it but is stopped by 3 shadow ponies that try to convince RD to join them as they need a captain. However, their request is denied and RD stays with her friends.

They cross the bridge and enter the castle where the Elements of Harmony are said to be found and they find 5 of the 6. They gently put them on the floor and Twilight has an idea so she warns them to step back. The blue plasma returns and scoops up the elements, taking Twilight with them. The others hear Twilight's cry but by the time they reach her room, she's gone but they find where she is and race off. Back in their new room, Twilight sees that Nightmare Moon is there with 5 of the elements floating around her and she performs a bull charge as Nightmare asks if she's kidding but Twilight keeps going so NM charges towards her but Twilight disappears at the right moment and ends up where the elements were. Nightmare returns to where she was with the elements and sends Twilight flying backward, but sees the elements activate, then stop. She tells Twilight that she'll never see Celestia or the sun and stomps her front hooves, shattering the elements into pieces.

Twilight hears her friends call and asks if Nightmare Moon really thinks the elements could be destroyed so easily. The real elements of harmony are right there and Twilight explains what each of the others represent. Nightmare Moon protests that they still don't have the 6th element. Uh-oh, there's a continuity error with Nightmare Moon in that her (armor?) disappears partially from 17:01 to around 17:02 int the episode before she protests about the 6th element not being there. The same piece of armor that disappears before disappears again but I'm not going to cap it here because it's basically the same image.The spark did work and Twilight felt it when she realized how happy she was to hear her friends.

The 6th element appears and all of them activate their other elements, creating a special rainbow that surrounds Nightmare Moon and makes her disappear, leaving the rest dazed on the floor. The sun finally rises and out comes Princess Celestia, who knew Twilight could do it but not without a little friendship. Celestia introduces Princess Luna, her sister and the others are amazed. (Why so surprised, Twilight, after all didn't you read that they were sisters from the legend?) Luna apologizes, bringing Pinkie Pie to tears before she decides to throw a party. Twilight is feeling down, knowing that after she just made friends she must leave them so Celestia decides to give Twilight a new mission to learn more about friendship. Twilight says she'll study harder than ever before and as the show ends, Pinkie Pie restates her "never been this excited" story once more.