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Movie MLP EqG: Legend of Everfree (Part 2) Aired:
September 24 2016
Sunset Shimmer catches up with Twilight assuring that they'll figure out what's up with magic but Twilight is convinced the magic is impossible to be controlled. A crash interrupts them and Rainbow Dash wants answers but while Twilight makes it seem like she's responsible, Sunset Shimmer keeps Twilight quiet and tells Rainbow Dash they aren't sure about it. As it turns out, Derpy's sailboat has crashed into the dock, leaving part of it in splinters. Derpy's accomplice has no idea about it either but tells of how their boat magically gained speed and was forced into the dock without any explanation.
With the rumor of the spirit being the cause, Trixie tries to summon it while Twilight remains convinced she's the one responsible. Worse still, a strange substance is now in the water but the group agree to help pick up the pieces to perhaps fix the dock. Twilight sneaks off into the forest to sing about her troubles with her dark side as well as how things used to be. By the time the song is over, Sunset Shimmer is looking for Twilight and has to wake Spike from his squirrel chasing dream to ask about it. Spike wants to make the dream a reality but has no idea what could've happend to Twilight.
Spike agrees to help find her but Twilight has found Timber while trying to convince herself she's no monster. Timber agrees to show Twilight the way back to camp while sharing a story of when he was younger and wanting to sell the camp to live in a normal town. Timber just wanted to hang out at the mall but finds a twig stuck in Twilight's hair. Sunset Shimmer and Spike are behind the bushes but agree to hold off a little longer on getting a better understanding of the magic situation. Elsewhere, Rarity and Applejack are rock climbing but it's not fast enough for Rainbow Dash's tastes as she'd wanted to do this since they arrived.
Twilight arrives and watches Timber leave while Rainbow Dash goes to get another harness in hopes that Twilight will be her spotter. However, the ground shakes and the magic starts up again, causing the same pool of magic on the grass and preventing Applejack from getting Rarity down. Just as suddenly as the rope became stuck, Applejack then sends Rarity higher into the air before finally getting her back on the ground but Rarity doesn't want her help in getting freed and inadvertently sends Applejack into the pond in the forest.
Rarity isn't even sure what happened and Sunset Shimmer is convinced that it's new magic at work but to Twilight that's bad news given the outcome could'e been much worse. Gloriosa interrupts them but they convince her to attend to Applejack's accident and she walks away, leaving the two of them to deal with a scream from Fluttershy. They enter the baking room and find the place covered in cookie dough as a result of a similar mishap. Things get even weirder when Flutershy gets help from a bird that she is able to understand. Despite Fluttershy's protest, the bird calls some of its friends over and they all land on one side of Fluttershy herself.
The conversation doesn't go entirely unnoticed as Sunset Shimmer overheard it but has no clue what to make of it. Applejack and Rarity arrive with their story as does Rainbow Dash with high speed. It's clear to Pinkie Pie from Rainbow Dash's story that new magic has arrived on the campsite but not everyone has gotten it yet. Regardless, Gloriosa arrives with the towels and Applejack's hat before several requests come in, including the return of Filthy Rich. Gloriosa heads out, assuring she'll handle the tasks. Sunset Shimmer hears a scream but no one else does, leaving her confused. Regardless, Gloriosa invites interested campers to paper lantern making and the group decided to try and forget about the magic for a bit.
While the others are close together making their lanterns, Twilight and Spike are doing their lantern away from the crowd as Twilight fears her dark side is responsible. Regardless, everyone gathers to set off their lanterns. Pinkie Pie's is too heavy and falls right back down, allowing her to eat the decorations she put on it. That night, Twilight makes her escape but Sunset Shimmer catches her and just as Twilight figured, Sunset Shimmer tries to talk her out of it. Sunset Shimmer suddenly is able to understand why Twilight was leaving but assures the dark side that once had control is gone now.
It doesn't make Twilight feel any better because the last time she used magic, she became a nightmare while Sunset Shimmer was good, though Sunset Shimmer wasn't always good as she was evil too. Twilight agrees to stay but figures that they shouldn't be near her friends until the magic problem is sorted out. Sunset Shimmer agrees but they find themselves with Timber and his axe but it's not easy to buy his story regarding the firewood. Sunset Shimmer makes up a story for why the two of them are out this late but Timber is convinced his story about Gaia Everfree is real given the magical events that have occured.
However, as the duo walk away, Sunset Shimmer sees sparkly dust coming out of Timber's back pocket, leaving her to believe it's not as legit as Timber claimed but agree to hold back since Twilight has a lot on her mind at the moment. The next day, repairs on the dock are underway but Rarity literally isn't helping and focused on her sewing. Everyone fears their new magic will be activated if they go too far. Unfortunately when Applejack runs out of nails, Pinkie Pie is more careless and throws the box of nails into the air, causing Rarity to activate her new magic shield again but luckily the box of nails lands safely on the dock.
Sunset Shimmer tells them not to pretend it's not happening and shares her story about getting her magic. Pinkie Pie cannot resist having the new powers tried out on her but that leave Sunset Shimmer completely baffled at what she sees. Nevertheless, she feels it should be acknowledged that they have new magic and sings a song about it. While the song progresses, work resumes on the dock but at a much more efficient pace thanks to their new magic. By the time the song is over, they've finished the dock and Rarity is ready for a dry run of her fashion show after a final stitch on the poncho.
Sunset heads off to let Twilight know about embracing the magic but overhears an argument between Timber and Gloriosa and now concludes that indeed the story about trying to sell the campsite is true. When the coast is clear she gets out from behind the door but runs into Flash Sentry and has to lie about why she was behind the door in the first place. Flash has realized the harsh advice Sunset Shimmer gave him earlier was worthwhile after all but sees right through Sunset Shimmer's assurance that she's fine. As a result, Sunset Shimmer explains the story without mentioning any specifc names.
Flash Sentry isn't fully understanding the story but assures that Sunset Shimmer is lucky to have Twilight as her friend but Sunset Shimmer sees Timber heading into the forest and cuts the conversation short. Sunset Shimmer follows Timber into the forest where he enters a mostly blocked off cave with glowing lights. It's all the more proof for Sunset to realize Timber is hiding something. She texts Twilight to meet her by the rock query and despite not being allowed to go out that far, Twilight knows it's an important text so she agrees to meet there. 
Twilight gets into the forest and gets caught in a spider web before Sunset Shimmer brings her into the cave through a gap in the boulders but now there may be proof that Gaia Everfree is more real than previously thought.