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Regular G3 Ponies 14
Mr. Flute
Hair: Dark red and salmon
Eyes: Gold
Body: Light purple
Loves the 80s, notably vinyl records
Fun Fact:
The vinyl records he makes are done with a single machine!
Mrs. Flute
Hair: Yellow and blue
Eyes: Purple
Body: Fuchsia
Loves the 90s, does not hate previous or later eras

Fun Fact: She keeps items from each era she learns about!
Mrs. Fortune
Hair: Bright green
Eyes: Orange
Body: Dark gray
Big supporter of looking nice when on the go

Fun Fact:
She tends to check up on Eduardo now and then to make sure he still looks his best while in Pudgyville!
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Red
Body: Light green
Takes a backseat to Carl, often agreeing with his statements
Fun Fact:
His missing teeth are the result of a fight he got in after he and Carl bullied Jasmine during her childhood!
Summer Star
Hair: Green and dark green with purple triangles
Eyes: Light blue-green
Body: Light orange
Loves dazzling displays for show openers

Fun Fact:
Her last show involved lots of fireworks and flashing lights, which had some ponies dizzy!
Mr. Heart 
Hair: Black
Eyes: Light purple
Body: Orange
Always changing his mind
Fun Fact:
He was initially going to decide the family's greeting but couldn't make up his mind about it!
Mrs. Heart
Hair: White
Eyes: Dark purple
Body: Red
Works from her heart and thinks of how others would feel about her work

Fun Fact:
Before shipping things out, she inspects everyone else's work to ensure they're doing work the same way she is!
Mr. Tulip
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Gold
Body: Dark green
Calm, relaxed
Fun Fact:
His psychiatric room has a set of rules in place to ensure the patients calmly tell their story!
Mrs. Tulip
Hair: Blue-purple
Eyes: Blue-purple
Body: Gold
Does not like seeing things isolated from each other

Fun Fact: She owns Ponyville's Adoption Center!
Mr. Sheila
Hair: Yellow
Eyes: Green
Body: White
Personality: Often jumps to conclusions, gets angered easily

Fun Fact: He hates fake news sites because they can easily fool him!
Mother Sheila
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Green
Body: Gray
Personality: Highly against distractions from electronics

Fun Fact: She's trying to think of a way to turn off all electrical appliances in the house at once!