Q5: KoopaKid17:
Patricia, do you get tired easily due to your weight?
A5: I usually try to do things slowly but it does happen now and then. |
Q4: Hotmail12345678:
Any crushes and any fears?
A4: Fears? Not outside creating another dangerous sport. Crushes?
There's not enough males here for me to have one. |
Q3: Hotmail12345678:
Any dancing sports you made?
A3: Nope, sorry. Besides, dancing is more of Twirly Pie's thing anyway. |
Q2: Hotmail12345678:
Why make your own if we have too many sports?
A2: Pudgyville didn't have any sports before I made them. I wanted to
make some extra fun for residents. Do you have a lot of them where you
live? |
Q1: Hotmail12345678:
What's your most popular made up sport?
A1: That's easy. Booty Battles is most popular, though by default since
my other sports are too dangerous to play. |