Q5: KoopaKid17:
How did your family react to you being the first fat member?
A5: My dad was alread researching how fat jiggles when I was born but
didn't have much to test his theories on so he was excited to say the
least. |
Q4: ZX-Furry:
What would happen if you encountered a giant pony in the city, and she
has the size of Godzilla?
A4: What's a Godzilla? |
Q3: Hotmail12345678:
Have you ever been on television at all?
A3: Not unless you count being an indirect part of the story. |
Q2: Hotmail12345678:
Any crushes (can also mean if you wanna sit on them)?
A2: My family and I haven't been in town long enough to find any
crushes. |
Q1: Hotmail12345678:
What's the most jiggles your belly has done from 1 slap?
A1: I've actually never stopped to count. Probably would've gotten dizzy
trying anyway but there was a time where my belly seemed to be jiggling
for 5 minutes. It was more like 1. |