Q6: Mario-McFly:
What type of foods do you bake (if any)?
A6: Well, apart from cinnamon rolls, I don't bake anything special.
Mostly just things ponies are familiar with already. |
Q5: Hotmail12345678:
Do you taste nice?
A5: I'd probably taste like anyone else that has been licked. |
Q4: Hotmail12345678:
What's your worst memory?
A4: Running out of food in the middle of a drought. see, we grow our own
food as we find it to be more convenient but we got hit with a drought
and couldn't grow anything. Luckily, it was short so we could eat again
after a few days. |
Q3: Hotmail12345678:
Why did your parents give you that name?
A3: When I was very young, I managed to get away from my parents to
investigate a wonderful smell. My parents found out and went looking
frantically for me. When they found me, I had managed to get into a vat
of white chocolate swirl ice cream. That's when they gave me my name. |
XxNeonGlowySticksxX: You like cookies?
A2: I'm not big on cookies unless they're cinnamon-flavored, mostly
because it smells like my treats. |
Q1: KoopaKid17:
Do you and Bon Bon
ever eat too much of the foods you bake?
A1: It's tempting but actually we only have a small taste to see if
things came out like we wanted them to. |