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Regular G3 Ponies 7
Mrs. Sweetie
Hair: Pink and purple
Eyes: Dark yellow
Body: Beige
Personality: Expert in baking food, loves the color blue
Fun Fact: She baked everything needed for Mocha Cream's birthday party in 22 minutes!
Love Kiss
Hair: Dark blue and light pink
Eyes: Dark purple
Body: Pink
Personality: VERY flirty, works to win males over
Fun Fact: She is Jasmine's sister!
Hair: Blue
Eyes: No color
Body: Red
Personality: Sees and does almost everything as their opposite
Fun Fact: Things she says can cause hardware failure!
Nurse Sunset
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Gold
Body: Light purple
Personality: Helps out in the hospital, especially when the other nurses are occupied
Fun Fact: She breaks up the tasks she and the other nurses do using checklists!
Mint Berry Swirl
Hair: Sky blue and light pink
Eyes: Light purple
Body: Purple
Personality: Goes all out when painting designs in her house
Fun Fact: She's Flutter Sweet's sister!
Illusion Trap
Hair: Dark red
Eyes: Black
Body: Very dark yellow
Personality: Distorts Ponyville ponies' sense of reality
Fun Fact: One time she got Ponyviller's so scared they went to their houses and didn't come out for weeks!
Raging Ruby
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Bright green
Body: Light pink
Personality: Always angry, constantly yells when encountering other ponies
Fun Fact: Her anger developed as a result of the music genre she was listening to!
Ocean Waves
Hair: Blue-green and light blue
Eyes: Dark orange
Body: Blue
Personality: Loves the ocean, especially in summer
Fun Fact: She wants to be a Lifeguard one day!
Flutter Sweet
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Dark yellow
Body: Green
Personality: Loves painting, always making artwork with new designs
Fun Fact: Her best work is featured in the Ponyville Art Museum!
Sunshine Sweetie
Hair: Gold
Eyes: Fuchsia
Body: White
Personality: Always enjoying the sunshine, doesn't like rainy or stormy days
Fun Fact: She watches the Ponyville Weather Bureau to make note of any sunny days in the forecast!