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Movie My Little Pony: The Movie (Part 2) Released:
June 20, 1986
When their song has ended, neither of them has the phume so Reeka decides to put her bucket's contents into Draggle's as a means to hopefully prevent Hydia from finding out that it's missing. They walk away but a nearby snake decides to tag along via Reeka's head, leaving Draggle to save her and to be called a klutz as a result. Back at the waterfall, Spike is having no luck pushing Lickety Split and even Lickety Split realizes she's too heavy for a small dragon to push but Spike insists he's a strong dragon.
Up above, Shady fears the duo are in trouble but one of them says to think positive for once in her life and they head off, not realizing the duo is right below them. Spike and Lickety Split realize they're up there but their calls are drowned out by the waterfall so they move forward and try again. This time, their calls are heard but none of them can make out the origins and Shady fears rain and pneumonia (which is based on the myth that you'll catch a cold by being cold or is another myth altogether as I've been in the rain and never caught pneumonia).
Gusty is having regrets of bringing Shady along but Shady loves the rain and they have to keep looking. While Lickety Split has her own regrets, a creature pops up and reveals they're Bushwoolies and Spring has arrived. While the dozen or so furballs bask in the sunshine, Reeka and Draggle hand over their bucket, assuring they got everything on the list. She goes through the bucket and begins adding it to the volcano, leaving Reeka and Draggle worried.
When Hydia reaches for the phlume, she's puzzled as it doesn't seem to be in there. Reeka gives Draggle a bump that ends up causing Hydia to toss the bucket into the lava, even though Hydia feels it wouldn't have been the same as throwing them in one by one. Regardless, the Smooze comes to life and the trio celebrate as the muck cascades down the volcano's slope. Animals in its path race to escape while the Bushwoolies grab their food for the Spring Festival when the group of ponies arrive, revealing the yellow pony as Magic Star.
Magic Star explains their situaiton when one of them notes of the approaching Smooze avalanche and they race to escape. With a few Bushwoolies lagging behind to save their cakes, Gusty intercepts to tell them to forget the cakes and hop on to safety. However, she's not quick enough and gets smoozed along with the two Bushwoolies she saved, leaving the three of them to accuse Shady. Magic Star notes Shady isn't to blame and it's due to the Smooze on them.
They must warn the others so Magic Star puts Shady in charge of finding Spike and Lickety Split but Shady isn't so thrilled about it but when Gusty tries to put her down, she gains confidence and heads off with one Bushwoolie. Meanwhile, the witches are loving what the Smooze is doing and they don't need anyone else.....or do they? Elsewhere, Lickety Split still has regrets but Spike assures they'll make it but they have to dodge the Smooze as it approaches.
They have no idea what they're up against but manage to slip into a cave just as the landscape is covered. As much as Spike hates to say it, they're trapped but all is well at the Spring Festival until Magic Star arrives to warn them. None of them know what Smooze is but they have to leave and one poor rabbit is trampled by the other animals. Magic Star finds two pegasai and orders them to get water and dump it on Gusty and the two Bushwoolies. However, it has no effect and the blue-green unicorn revealed as Fizzy learns what Smooze is.
The blue pegasus knows what might be able to help and their friend Megan has it but the witches are confident it's all over for the ponies. On a farm land, a little girl is showing what she can do on her pony to Megan and Danny but (presumably) Danny is having doubts. The little girl, revealed as Molly makes the jump and Megan catches it on digital camera, figuring Molly will be a champion when their parents return. However, their joy is short lived as the two pegasai from earlier appear, revealed as Wind Whistler and North Star, the same ones Megan told Molly and Danny about. Megan and the others learn the situation and want to help and allowed in after a little convincing.
They take to the skies as the witches use their feelings to get another song out with the Smooze filling background volcals. The pegasai arrive just as the Smooze has stopped for the time being after swallowing Dream Castle. With that, Megan releases the Rainbow of Light and it ends up fighting back strongly, leaving Reeka, Draggle and Hydia to realize the Smooze isn't winning anymore. However, just when it looks like the Rainbow of Light will win, the Smooze forms a hand and grabs the Rainbow, bringing it down.
While the ponies mourn the loss of their Rainbow, Hydia brings Reeka and Draggle to her to ask what went wrong with the Smooze while threatening them with ice cream. Draggle nearly spills the secret and begs not to make them eat ice cream but ends up having to spill the secret anyway. Hydia is so angry she kicks aside the sundae bowls and gives them one last chance to get the phlume or they won't be living there anymore.
Back outside, the ponies and remaining Bushwoolies remain upset but Buttons suggests to rebuild and perhaps unsmooze everyone. Gusty remains convinced otherwise so Megan sings perhaps my favorite song from the movie aside from the opening theme. When it's over, most ponies are happy again until two birds land on a branch with some smooze that ends up getting on Buttons and she's now as grumpy as the other three.
Megan isn't giving up and along with Wind Whistler and Fizzy, go to see the Moochick, whom has helped them before. Elsewhere, Reeka and Draggle arrive where the phlume is waiting and it's even got an appetite. Eventually they agree and take action but the phlume isn't happy and takes it out on them, even managing to force Reeka to dump nearly all the contents of the bottle. After more brutal attacks, they get free and still with phlume in the bottle.
The group arrives at Mr. Moochick's place just as Moochick and his rabbit friend are playing checkers. However, the rabbit wins and Moochick proceeds to answer their calls. Outside, he's struggles to remember them and eventually does so with their help. They explaun their dilemma but Moochick finds their claim of nowhere to live so absurd he sings about it.