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Animated Short Meet the Ponies: Starsong's Party Released:
We find Starsong with Pinkie Pie getting setup and uncertain that it'll work but Pinkie Pie gets the music rolling and Starsong gets to work with a cover song of Feeling Good. It works and the others head over as soon as they hear it, leaving Pinkie Pie to ask why it took them so long but they're impressed with Starsong's singing. When the song is over, Starsong announces her karaoke party taking place that night and all the others need to do is bring a song but Sweetie-Belle lacks the confidence to get up there.
Cheerilee follows Sweetie-Belle and shares a story of how Starong used to be where Pinkie Pie helps give Starsong the added push to show the audience her skills. Starsong is ready for her present karaoke dance party and the others follow her with excitement up on stage for their goofy group photo.