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Episode 50 Through the Door(Part 2) Aired:
November 19, 1986
With the dragon seconds from appearing, the fairytale characters are slowly losing their abilities. Meanwhile, Prince Charming has fallen in love with the sea ponies and they're admirable towards him but his facial features are coming apart and soon he is too. Chaherazad is performing with a few of the ponies but the dragon is here and already wreaking havoc. While they handle that, the others are stiill dealing with the overload of questions from the genie. Not even an ice cream cone is a simple wish so Wind Whistler tries to help.
Wind Whistler gets down every last detail and Lickety Split gets her giant ice cream cone. However, the ice cream cone is too top-heavy and topples towards them. Luckily, it disappears but it's not the genie's doing as he intent was to have it last long enough to be eaten. Heart Throb isn't having any better luck finding Prince Charming and watches things literally fall apart in front of her eyes. Megan has decided to sit down with a fairytale book but the pages are all blank, leaving her to wonder what's happened.
 Worse still, it's not just that one as she finds another one with blank pages. Paradise arrives to share the legendary characters she's met so she heads to Paradise Estate to see for herself. Sure enough, she confirms Robin Hood and others are there but they have to worry about the dragon that's coming as Chaherazad and others arrive to bring such news. Megan isn't worried but is dragged inside anyway. The dragon finds them but the ponies find him and stop him in his tracks without any resistance.

Megan and the others head outside once they see the dragon is harmless and Megan realizes the characters can't help doing what they do. Heart Throb arrives and finally finds Prince Charming but he's not the same person she met earlier. Everyone is losing their personalities so Megan suggests they return back to their place behind the door but the characters don't want to leave. Heart Throb notes of the crumbling landscape so the characters race to the door. Megan figures the reason things are falling apart is because the characters have left their place of being and figures that once they return, things will be restored.
The characters agree to go back but not with the dragon, even though he hasn't really done much harm. He just does what he's supposed to do and breaks into tears and anger, then a song explaining his situation. With things continuing to fall apart, the characters agree that they were perhaps wrong about the dragon and apologize. The dragon breaks into tears and hugs them tightly before the group waves goodbye and heads back through the door.
With the last of the characters back where they belong, Megan climbs the slope and shuts the door, restoring things to how they were before. Lofty and North Star finish cleaning up when they see Megan's satchel and books were left behind. They dump the satchel's contents and confirm the return of the stories as everyone else gathers around. Buttons begins the story of Chaherazad and realizes the characters will be around forever.