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Episode 96 Tanks for the Memories Aired:
April 25 2015
Up in the sky, Rainbow Dash is blazing through and has brought along her pet tortoise Tank, whom is not showing an equal amount of energy. With Cloudsdale getting ready, Ponyville will soon have winter and the running of the leaves takes place below. Tank stops to hover as his energy decreases and ruins Rainbow Dash's excitement with yawning. Regardless, Rainbow Dash keeps  her hopes up by sharing what she and Tank will do once winter arrives.
Twilight comes up to check up on things and when the ordeal is brought up, she does indicate a slight decrease in Tank's speed but it's nothing he hasn't done before. Another yawn has Rainbow Dash worried enough to take Tank to Fluttershy for analysis. Much like Twilight, Fluttershy finds nothing wrong as Tank is going to hibernate. However, Rainbow Dash remains unconvinced and goes to see Spike. Spike maintains he's too different to meet the same criteria but Rainbow Dash refuses to listen and takes Tank away for some exercise.
Pushing clouds filled with snow proves to be quite a workout but Tank heads to the ground to prepare for hibernation. Pinkie Pie stops by and approves with joy only to get an earful from Rainbow Dash when she finds out, making hibernation in any form taboo. However, she's in close proximity of her friends and yells at them too. Twilight tries to diffuse the situation and makes Rainbow Dash blow her top before heading off.
Inside Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash still cannot get Tank to have the necessary energy for fun and comes up with a dangerous plan to stop winter. While clouds hang overhead, one pegasus pony struggles to get her message across as the others are proving that other pegasai named after the very terms she's using are helping out while Rainbow Dash sneaks the clouds away. As she breaks into song, Rainbow Dash puts her plan into action.
When the song ends, Rainbow Dash realizes that nothing she did was successful so she goes to stop it at the source. She arrives just as it's lunch break for the pegasai and sneaks into the area with the machinery. Nothing immediately is big enough for her tastes until she finds the water tank and tears off both pipes, releasing the water inside. However, she left Tank dozing on his own and he's been hovering away to a control switch and activates it at full power, turning on a fan that ends up eating the magnifying glass for lunch.
Worse still, she knocks herself into a barrel of snow and gets coated long enough for Tank to unleash a strong cold breeze from the next room. As a result, she's forced into the lightning bolt room and a jar breaks open, causing her to get a jolt. Furthermore, the electricity forces other machinery to work out of control and the jammed fan frees itself and takes Rainbow Dash through its pipeline. The combination of snow, Rainbow Dash and tank clogs the pipe until it forces its way out and lands in Ponyville, coating the area with snow.

The impact has left Rainbow Dash dazed and needing comfort so they bring her to Cloudsdale to rest for a while. When they return, they find Rainbow Dash still miserable. (Now would be a GREAT time to ask what's wrong.) Even after words of encouragement, it doesn't help so Fluttershy pushes Rainbow Dash over the edge in hopes to release pent up emotions (though in all fairness, Rainbow Dash was told this earlier so it shouldn't be news, even if she refused to believe it). When nothing else works, Fluttershy breaks into tears.
Pinkie Pie and Rarity join in, unable to cope with Fluttershy crying. At last, Rainbow Dash manages to get everyone to stop and has a touching goodbye with Tank. Later, everyone is having fun when Rainbow Dash arrives to finally put Tank into hibernation but not before a bedtime story.