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Twirly Pie
Hair: Pale blue and light blue
Eyes: Light blue
Body: Dark turquoise
Personality: Loves dancing
Fun Fact: She invented her own dance called "The Rumpa Jumpa"!
Belly Beginnings Family
Additional Artwork
Title Link Description
Discord'd Twirly Pie DeviantART: Discord'd Twirly Pie
Don't believe her. Discord has corrupted her into thinking she's never danced in her life.
Twirly Pie as Fatty Forcefield DeviantART: Twirly Pie as Fatty Forcefield
As Fatty Forcefield, Twirly Pie can spin at high speeds to deflect enemy attacks.
Twirly Tushy *Mature* DeviantART: Twirly Tushy
Twirly Pie is probably doing one of her dance routines, the Rumpa.
My OC Pony Twirly Pie DeviantART: My OC Pony Twirly Pie
As her name may suggest, she's an expert dancer and will have her own dance studio in Pudgyville.