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Twinkle Blink's Belly Beginnings
My name was given from my love of twinkling lights. During the holidays years ago, I was fascinated with their random patterns that changed their colors. It was so special to watch them get put up but when they had to come down, I was pretty upset. Then one day, we lost power and needed a way to keep warm. The lights were battery operated with a battery in each light so that's what we used. I got to have my favorite "toy" keep me warm and that made me special. As a result, I decided to use the lights to commemorate the moment they literally brightened up my day but they were also something I thought I looked pretty wearing as the patterns flashed on my body. It was also during that time of year that my weight increased. I always ate lots of dessert at that time and my family was shocked when they saw me one year. I always keep the lights my family used around me to remember them as well as the wonderful joy the lights brought me.