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Truffle Delight's Belly Beginnings
As you already know, I love wearing girly clothing but it wasn't always that way. I used to wear boys clothing but when I went with my family to go shopping one day, they didn't have any and I had outgrown my wardrobe due to my love of chocolate. Since I was already into bright colors, I was perfectly fine with wearing girls clothing, though it was certainly different than what I was used to. Eventually I came to love it and when I met Mocha Cream, she did too. My love of chocolate took a while to get there because we didn't have much chocolate in the house and even when we did, we weren't allowed to have much. One day I got hungry and there wasn't much to eat in the house. I found the chocolate and ate the box of chocolate bars that were there. After that, I couldn't help it and always managed to get my mom to get more. As for loving bright colors, that's always been with me. They really stand out so they always caught my eye. Nowadays, I'm proud to let the world see my big brown booty.