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Spice Family
Mrs. Spice Hair: Blue and white
Eyes: Dark orange
Body: Dark red
Personality: Loves dancing, especially at the Pudgyville Night Club

Fun Fact: Those that give her money get a free gift!
Mr. Spice Hair: Green
Eyes: Light orange
Body: Brown
Personality: Meditates often using his own method
Fun Fact: He manages Pudgyville's Yoga Studio!
Galapeño Hair: Bright green
Eyes: Light orange
Body: Red
Personality: Thinks she's the center of attention
Fun Fact: She can handle any spicy food!
My OC Pony Galapeno Sister
Tomalia Hair: Orange and yellow
Eyes: Green
Body: Dark red/orange
Personality: Doesn't like sharing, especially with Galapeno

Fun Fact: She often laughs at Galapeno's walking style.
Pepper Spice Hair: Red and dark red
Eyes: Orange
Body: Dark green
Personality: Loves heat and fire, often cooks food hotter than required

Fun Fact: She may sleep in the sun all day on hot days!