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Jasmine's Belly Beginnings
My journey starts when I was pretty young. I wasn't always the hate negater you know me as today. In fact, I was bullied for my size. I tried to stand up for myself but Carl and his accomplice saw right through it. My mom, whom had been watching, managed to get the bullies to stop and brought me inside to help me shrug off negativity. It wasn't easy but after about a year and a half, I had more confidence to deal with haters, though still not to the extent I do now. It was also helping me cope with my birth defect, which prevented me from dieting to lose weight. Since it was basically a sure thing that I'd gain weight anyway, my parents allowed  me to eat what I wanted. It did bring the bullies back later but they didn't phase me this time because they literally didn't have the strength to push me around anymore. I  had gained confidence and a much sexier body.