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Galapeño's Belly Beginnings
As a fan of spicy foods, I can handle a lot of what most cannot. Living in Mexico for my childhood wasn't that great though. All they had were mexican restaurants but that was where we went for food. Eventually, I not only got used to the spicy food but began to like it. Of course, that was the only eventual thing that happend as my weight piled on too. My parents would notice and begin to worry given they didn't have better options but knew I loved spicy food. It was a conundrum they decided to let slide since I was at least happy. I've since cut back on the spicy food but still love it every bit as much as when I first got into it. Pudgyville has welcomed my family and I greatly, though few ponies have visited my restaurant, which I can expect given not many enjoy spicy foods. I've become famous for my sexy walking style and have found someone to be with, albeit with some minor changes on his part.