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Flutter Fun
Hair: Orange and blue
Eyes: Purple
Body: Turquoise
Personality: Loves a good show, loves multitasking
Fun Fact: Her shows are generally once a month so she has time to recharge!
Backstory: Belly Beginnings
Relationships: Family
Ask Session: Ask Session
Flutter Fun's Gallery
Title: Flutter Fun's Gorgeous Gut
Link: DeviantART: Flutter Fun's Gorgeous Gut
Description: A close-up view of lead band member Flutter Fun's belly. Yes she's in a suit with a belly button on it to honor the ponies that live in Pudgyville.
Title: My OC Pony Flutter Fun
Link: DeviantART: My OC Pony Flutter Fun
Description: You can bet Flutter Fun puts on a show. In fact, she'l often do more than just singing when performing.