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Caramel Coconut
Hair: Orange and brown
Eyes: Pale green
Body: Tan/light brown
Personality: Hates covering her rump, likes walking backwards

Fun Fact: Sometimes she even pins her tail down to one side so that her rump is fully in view!
Backstory: Belly Beginnings
Relationships: Family
Ask Session: Ask Session
Caramel Coconut's Gallery
Title: Lounging Caramel Coconut
Link: DeviantART: Lounging Caramel Coconut
Description: Relaxing with her big belly and rump (though not shown here) out for the world to see.
Title: Caramel Coconut's Caboose
Link:  DeviantART: Caramel Coconut's Caboose *Mature*
Description: If anyone were to show her rump most it's Caramel Coconut.
Title: My OC Pony Caramel Coconut
Link: DeviantART: My OC Pony Caramel Coconut
Description: As Truffle Delight and Godivas' cousin, Caramel Coconut doesn't like wearing anything that covers her rear, even remotely. She wants her fans to view it at all times that shes' outside, even by walking backwards.