FemKeroroTheDemonKeronian: Do you like any kinds of food?
A5: Anything that's healthy. |
Q4: Hotmail12345678:
Would you date a pudgy or skinny more?
A4: A pudgy or skinny what? |
Q3: Hotmail12345678:
What's the fattest you got before you did the gym (any chance for a
picture of fat you?)
A3: I've been skinny all my life so I'm afraid I don't have any fat
pictures. Plus that'd be a bit hypocritical of me since I'm so harsh
towards fatties. |
Q2: Hotmail12345678:
Can you lift a pudgy?
A2: What kind of pudgy? |
FemKeroroTheDemonKeronian: How many tons can you lift?
A1: 2 tons exactly. Of course, I'll probably be able to lift more in
time. |