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Daisy Whirl
Hair: Pale blue and light green
Eyes: Pale purple
Body: Black
Personality: Loves to manipulate wind, sometimes overdoes it

Fun Fact: She often uses it to help those on hot summer days!
Ponyville Beginnings Family
Additional Artwork
Title Link Description
Daisy Whirl's Cutie Mark DeviantART: Daisy Whirl's Cutie Mark
Daisy Whirl's ability to control wind with her magic is reflected by this arrows that make up her cutie mark. Each arrow shows a wind direction.
My OC Pony Daisy Whirl DeviantART: My OC Pony Daisy Whirl
She loves manipulating the wind with her magic. So next time you feel a gust of wind, Daisy Whirl might be to blame.