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Big Beautiful Ponies 8
Shuffle Fluff
Hair: Yellow and light orange
Eyes: Salmon
Body: Light orange
Personality: Messy, forgetful
Fun Fact: His long hours on the job leave him little time to take a bath!
Puzzle Snuggle
Hair: Light blue
Eyes: Pink
Body: Brown
Personality: Finishes virtually everything others have not, except homework

Fun Fact: She often ends up finishing others' tasks without having much time to finish her own!
Hair: Fuchsia
Eyes: Blue
Body: Gold
Personality: Afraid of everything, VERY tentative to going anywhere for any reason

Fun Fact: It took her the entire day to actually go out and get groceries!
Crackle Heart
Hair: Blue and sky blue
Eyes: Gold
Body: Blue
Personality: Eager, somewhat self-centered
Fun Fact: Smokey Flame fattened her up to use her as a shield!
Blinky Ink
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Fuchsia
Body: Brown
Personality: Makes tattoos, can be easily pressed for time

Fun Fact: She uses a non-smearing ink for tattoos!
Bongo Belle
Hair: Red
Eyes: Gold
Body: Dark blue
Personality: Loud, always yelling
Fun Fact: He's louder on weekends!
Mint Blossom
Hair: Gold
Eyes: Light blue
Body: Green
Personality: LOVES food, wants to be nearly immobile

Fun Fact: She stockpiles many boxes of food including ice cream, donuts and chocolate in her garage!
Sweety Shine
My OC Pony Sweety Shine by MasterYubel Hair: Yellow
Eyes: Light yellow
Body: Blue to red
Personality: Proud of her work, uses her body as one of the pieces

Fun Fact: At night, her body's colors reverse!
Hair: Pink, green and yellow
Eyes: Dark blue
Body: Black
Personality: Guards the universe to keep planets, etc in check, never goes anywhere else

Fun Fact: Her rock-hard skull can break any asteroid!
Pea Pod Pie
Hair: Purple and yellow
Eyes: Blue
Body: Maroon
Personality: Tentative, especially around her mother, cannot always handle her mother's orders

Fun Fact: She's working to stop her mother's tyrade!